Once mortar bonding the masonry units has failed or when stress caused by underlying rust build up or freeze-thaw has caused wall sections to shift, the distressed area must be dismantled and rebuilt. Often, determination of the full scope of required repair must await completion of the dismantling phase so that concealed conditions can be evaluated.
Central is adept at repairing every type and configuration of masonry wall including façades of brick, stone, terra cotta, precast concrete, marble and granite.

Masonry Repair Gallery
- Moisture penetration from defective roofs and flashing necessitated the reconstruction of this parapet wall.
- Supporting steel lintels, which bridge a window opening, must be replaced when they become weakened by rust.
- The steel structure of this building is exposed as Central rebuilds the corner masonry.
- An example of a flashing system prior to brick installation.
- Teams of Central employees rebuild an elaborate parapet wall at Randolph Tower.